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Palm Trees

Palm Trees
With more than 20 varieties of Palms available all grown in the SW Florida region we can Design, Deliver and maintain your palm tree landscapes. Click on any item below to expand and view palm tree options for landscaping from Fort Myers to Sarasota and all of Southwest Florida. For questions – you can contact […]

Washington Palm – Mexican Fan Palm
Washingtonia robusta Very tall and stately, Washington palms are popular landscape palms in Florida and elsewhere. It is a fast grower and can quickly fill in the landscape. Irrigation is required for establishment, but then do not over water, which can cause this desert palm to suffer from root and bud rots.

Wild Date Palm – Toddy Palm
Phoenix sylvestris Similar to the Canary Island Date palm, the wild date makes an impressive specimen plant. Its large stature and robust trunk can give landscapes a Mediterranean appearance. Unlike other date palms, wild dates are relatively trouble free and easy to maintain. They adapt well to Florida soils and climate.

Royal Palm
Roystonea regia Stately and impressive in appearance, the royal is popular in streetscapes and for large buildings. The large size of the palm can overwhelm small structures, so site selection is key. Royals can adapt well to both dry and wet areas, but are usually sensitive to cold.
Sod and Grass

Sod and Grass
The type of Grass or sod that works for SW Florida depends on several variables. Is your lawn sunny or more shaded? Is your lawn irrigated or dependent on the weather? What other Landscaping considerations are in the area? What type of trees might impact the grassy areas? Below you will find 7 of our […]

Empire – Zoysia grass
Empire® was discovered in Brazil and thrives in hot, humid conditions, performing well in all soil types. Empire® also shows good drought tolerance once established. Empire® can be mowed with a standard rotary mower. Its superior dark green color, fine texture, and open growth habit, makes this cultivar excellent for residential or commercial lawns as […]

Celebration – Bermuda grass
Developed by Rod Riley, the foremost turf grass breeder and green keeper in Australia, Celebration is ideal for central and southern regions of the United States. Celebration requires less mowing than typical Bermuda grass varieties and has tough runners, rhizomes, and deep roots that provide excellent sod strength, wearability, and improved drought tolerance. A striking […]

Tifway 419 – Bermuda grass
Tifway 419 is an improved hybrid Bermuda grass. Tifway 419 forms a fine textured, dense hybrid Bermuda turf that excels in high traffic areas or under golf/athletic field conditions. Tifway 419 performs at its best in full sun with mowing heights normally associated with fairways, roughs, sports fields and lawns. When fully established, it has […]