Natural Cypress Mulch
Natural Cypress Mulch is more blonde in color. The mulch is durable, rot-resistant and does not breakdown as quickly as other mulches. Excellent for use in pathways and sitting areas due to its durability and compaction. The Cypress Heartwood makes a termite-resistant mulch. It also has anti-fungal properties and a slow rate of decay. Cypress […]

Coco-Brown Cypress Mulch
Coco-Brown in color, our cypress mulch is durable, rot-resistant and does not breakdown as quickly as other mulches. Excellent for use in pathways and sitting areas due to its durability and compaction. The Cypress Heartwood makes a termite-resistant mulch. It also has anti-fungal properties and a slow rate of decay. Cypress chips take more than one […]

Red Cypress Mulch
Red Cypress Mulch – The bold, vibrant and rich red color makes a statement in every garden setting. It is a a by-product harvested from cypress pine plantations. This mulch forms a natural termite barrier when used close to your home and, when turned regularly retains its bright, ruby-red appearance for months. The Cypress Heartwood […]

Red Mulch
Red mulch is the most popular color of mulch in SW Florida. Red is a great color to accent or bring out the color of green plants, bushes and shrubs. Red mulch is often used in gated communities and commercial applications due to the presentation it offers. The red color also pairs well with the […]

Pine Straw Bales
Pine straw or needles typically comes from pine plantations which produce paper and wood products. Because they “knit together,” the pine needles are less likely to wash away than some other mulches. Pine needles make fine mulch for flower beds. They are light and fluffy. Spreading them around is easy and they don’t compact over […]

Pine Bark Mulch
Pine bark is a byproduct of the forest industry. It comes in various sizes. It typically has a dark brown color. Pine Bark Mulch or nuggets last longer than shredded wood mulch, but are not ideal for areas prone to flooding or heavy rains, as the bark chunks can float away. The bark pieces assist with […]

Flori-Melaleuca Mulch
Melaleuca Mulch Melaleuca is the finest quality mulch, prefabricated of 100% melaleuca, it’s the environmentally prudent alternative to cypress mulch. Testing at the University of Florida has shown Melaleuca Mulch to be significantly termite resistant. About Melaleuca trees Native to Australia and Malaysia, melaleuca was introduced into Florida in 1906. It was thought to have potential […]

Washington Palm – Mexican Fan Palm
Washingtonia robusta Very tall and stately, Washington palms are popular landscape palms in Florida and elsewhere. It is a fast grower and can quickly fill in the landscape. Irrigation is required for establishment, but then do not over water, which can cause this desert palm to suffer from root and bud rots.

Wild Date Palm – Toddy Palm
Phoenix sylvestris Similar to the Canary Island Date palm, the wild date makes an impressive specimen plant. Its large stature and robust trunk can give landscapes a Mediterranean appearance. Unlike other date palms, wild dates are relatively trouble free and easy to maintain. They adapt well to Florida soils and climate.
Royal Palm
Roystonea regia Stately and impressive in appearance, the royal is popular in streetscapes and for large buildings. The large size of the palm can overwhelm small structures, so site selection is key. Royals can adapt well to both dry and wet areas, but are usually sensitive to cold.
Roebelenii – Pygmy Date Palm
Phoenix roebelenii Popular for its ease of culture and graceful, tropical appeal, robeleniis work well for small areas, for entryways, and for residential yards. Robeleniis are available in singles, doubles, and triples.
Reclinata – Senegal Date Palm
Phoenix reclinata If given enough room, reclinatas can make for an impressive specimen or a large screen. Reclinatas sucker vigorously without aggressive pruning so they need plenty of room to spread. Reclinatas are often trimmed up to reveal their attractive, slender trunks.